April 22nd, 2009:
The nomination form has finally been uploaded, sorry for the delay. It can be found in either Microsoft Word format or Adobe Acrobat format. People should print it off then either fax it in or scan it and send it to the contact information located at the bottom of the form, using extra pages as necessary. Also, we have corrected the text on a 2008's member page, it was not what was listed on the plaque.
December 20th, 2008:
The 2008 induction ceremony was held last night as Washburn in the good ol' cafeteria. We'll get some pictures up as soon as I get them. In case you didn't know, we kept the induction of Errol Kantor secret until the announcement by Dan Pratt last night. Errol said that they had an extra hat and Mr. Pratt said "go ahead and put it on", then he announced who the last person was that was suppoed to be inducted. The look on Errol's face was priceless...
December 19th, 2008:
The 2007 class write-ups are complete now, and we're only missing two write-ups on the 2008 class.
December 6th, 2008:
The 2007 class is almost complete. Need to add in a few more bios that I don't have just yet. I will add them as soon as I get them. Patty Berg, Dave Arundel, Kip Knelman, Howie Tyson and Frank Ario are all missing their bios, so after that we'll be done with 2007 and be able to concentrate on other parts of the website, such as the form to fill out to submit a new candidate.
December 5th, 2008:
The website has progressed a bit. The bio for Gordie Sundin has been added (click here), as well as the 2007 main page (click here). More bios will be added as they are obtained, as well as the other content contained in the site.